Kael Your Idols: A New Hollywood Podcast

Cowboy Colonialist: The Last Movie (1971)

Sam Ludwig and Alana Gibson Episode 39

In this episode we delve into one of the signature commercial and critical flops of New Hollywood: Dennis Hopper’s The Last Movie. This gorgeous yet impenetrable film was a crucial turning point bridging the early hippie-influenced films of the late 60s with the more cynical and popular mainstream cinema that came to define the 1970s. We are joined by Stephen Lee Naish, author of two different books discussing this week’s subject - Create or Die: Essays on the Films of Dennis Hopper, and Music and Sound in the Films of Dennis Hopper. So enjoy listening to someone actually qualified to talk about this stuff for a change! Topics include: American New Wave vs. New Hollywood, Jorge Luis Borges, and Charles Manson.

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